Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Happy Birthday Sheri and Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Birthday Sheri! We hope you enjoyed the ice-cream cake as much as Carmen did.

Carmen's eyes light up when she sees cake! She had been indifferent towards food all night until the cake was brought out. :)

Uncle Kevin and Emily came over to help celebrate.

Carmen got a new booster seat to sit in and she feels like such a big girl sitting in it. There's a big frog on it and she kept saying, "Ribbit, Ribbit" when sitting in it. 

Easter 2009

Carmen loved hunting for eggs! She ran all around the backyard shouting, "More," every time she saw an egg. 

Here's a good action shot of her running towards an egg.

Grandma and Grandpa bought Carmen an Easter basket. She went right for the play dough! She proceeded to take the play dough out of it's case and tried to take a big bite out of it. We all screamed and stopped her. It was too funny. 

Here, we are all singing, "If you're happy and you know it, shout Hooray!" Carmen loves this song and immediately began dancing.
Carmen is giving the camera her best smile.